Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Body Modification In Our Generation

We are not the first generation to do body modification, decorate the body, damage or marking of the body. Previously this was done by making an incision in the skin and rubbing it with ashes. There are also forms of body modification that indicate to what tribe you heard or status in a tribe. Piercing and tattooing is now seen as body modification. Incidentally, this is only in wealthy countries elsewhere it is very much a ritual.

The clothing brand Ed Hardy has cashed in on the popularity of body modification by designing clothes with tattoo like prints so they can decorate themselves through clothing, but it is not permanent. Today, piercings and tattoos becoming more accepted in society and is not affiliated with specific reason such as power. It is also used to distinguish and sometimes to shock.
The body is so different from before. It could stand to see as a trend.

For some years now, it's always easier to see someone with tattoos and piercings, and indeed, only a few people who do not have at least one of these things. For this reason, these changes are becoming part of what is socially acceptable and are therefore no longer taboo.

It’s because fashion is moving towards something new: the fashion of the changes in the body needs something that is considered strange or incomprehensible, or just crazy and that is why the changes are less niche.

Piercing and tattoos aside, it is now talk of scarification, branding, implants, split tongue, ear pointing and many more. The extreme changes that you can do to a human body are more than ‘the trade’ you can imagine. The scarification or scarring is a practice that has an ultimate goal as to leave a scar. The artist, because some scarification are real works of art, affects the skin with a scalpel as a painter would use his brush on the canvas, creating large and complex designs with lots of nuances. Through special care, these designs will leave a scar when healing is complete, more or less evident depending on the location and type of skin.